The online service with all the features of an advanced Geographical Information System (GIS)
Only a small yearly fee. No startup investment. Ready in 10 Days.GeoNue Portal
The Atlas of Your WorldWith GeoNue Portal citizens and businesses can – in a simple and innovative way – find data, applications and services from your Geographical Information System .
Explore the maps easily and intuitively; query tables, abacus, regulations and much more; download the data; connect to the interoperability services
GeoNue uMaps
Collaboration has never been so easyWith GeoNue uMaps Public and Private Amministrations will be able – in a simple and intuitive way – to create interactive maps and open them to contributions and suggestions from ordinary people.
The online service with all the functions of an advanced Geographical Information System.
With GeoNue you get rid of all other costs: hardware e software, configurations, license agreements.

Store geographic data on the cloud. With GeoNue you can archive and catalogue your maps, making the data available in all the major standard formats.

Create, shape and customise your maps. With GeoNue you can manage your projects on our online platform, without the need for a desktop GIS software.

Instantly share your maps. With GeoNue you can easily publish your geographic data and share your projects to desktop, tablets and smartphones.

Open your maps to contribution and suggestions of your constituents. With GeoNue it only takes you a few minutes to create interactive maps and open them for contributions.
GeoNue BOT
Crowdsource your data collection on a Map, with Telegram!With GeoNue BOT you can open your maps to contribution and suggestions from your constituents. Approve (or reject) crowdsourced data, certify it, share it on your Atlas with the interoperability services.