More layers
Historical Maps. Urban Planning. Cadastral Maps. Cultural Heritage. Unleash your Creativity.
More backgrounds
Pick your background: Apple Maps, OpenStreetMap, MapBox, Google and so much more.
More maps
One map or one hundred maps: create as many layers as your project requires, and share your maps with the world.
GeoNue App
Simple Outside. Rich Inside.
Multi Layer, Multi Map, Area Calculation, Augmented Reality, Research by Address, Connection to External Services.. and so much more.
Multi layer
Add and compare your city maps.
Thanks to a simple and intuitive management panel, you can add, sort, compare your layers and show them on top of Apple, Google, Mapbox or OpenStreet Maps.
Multi map
Build your projects on the app.
With GeoNue App you can save all the maps you need. Combine the layers you prefer. Save the Map. Share.
Calculating, searching, analysing.
GeoNue App tools allow you to calculate distances and areas, search for an address and more.
Augmented Reality
Use your camera to explore the world around you.
GeoNue App brings your POIs into the real world.